Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Text File
1,075 lines
; $VER: PasTeX 1.4 (8.10.96)
; Script to install PasTeX from CD-ROM
(complete 0)
(set old_level @user-level)
; strings
(set #ask-installdir
(cat "Please choose a directory, where PasTeX should be installed."
"(Note: I will create a directory 'texmf' in your directory.)"
(set #ask-installdir-help
(cat "You have to choose a directory, where the software will be copied."
"This directory must exist, please create one, if necessary. "
"E.g. if you choose Work: I will install TeX into Work:texmf"
(set #ask-instmask
(cat "Which parts of the CD TeX installation should be installed"
" on your harddisk?"
(set #ask-instmask-help
(cat "Choose which parts of the TeX installation you need.\n\n"
"PasTeX programs:\n Main TeX programs (initex, virtex, ShowDVI, DVIprint, SpecialHost, flib, lsfont)\n\n"
"TeX utilities:\n Various useful programs\n\n"
"TeX format files:\n plain.fmt, latex.fmt ...\n\n"
"TeX macros:\n LaTeX, style files, ...\n\n"
"pk fonts:\n Fonts for different resolutions/printers\n\n"
"Metafont programs:\n programs to generate pk-fonts\n\n"
"Metafont font sources:\n sources of the pk-files"
(set #copy-pt-progs
(cat "Copy the core programs of PasTeX:"
(set #copy-pt-ger-locale
(cat "Copy the german locale file for DVIprint and ShowDVI:"
(set #copy-pt-ita-locale
(cat "Copy the italian locale file for DVIprint and ShowDVI:"
(set #copy-tfm
(cat "Copy TFM-font files:"
(set #copy-rexx
(cat "Copy ARexx scripts:"
(set #copy-rexx-namestruc
(cat "Copy ARexx script 'namestruc' to REXX:"
(set #copy-config
(cat "Copy config-files:"
(set #copy-icons
(cat "Copy default-icons:"
(set #copy-ps
(cat "Copy PostScript support files:"
(set #ask-texprgmask
(cat "Which version of IniTeX/VirTeX would you like to install?"
(set #ask-texprgmask-help @askchoice-help
(set #copy-req-lib
(cat "Copy req.library:"
(set #help-req-lib
(cat "ShowDVI needs the req.library for the file and color requester."
(set #copy-tex-pool
(cat "Copy TeX.pool file:"
(set #copy-tex-norm-progs
(cat "Copy IniTeX/Virtex (small/68000):"
(set #copy-tex-big-progs
(cat "Copy IniTeX/Virtex (big/68000):\n"
"(You have to rename the programs)"
(set #copy-tex-20-progs
(cat "Copy IniTeX/Virtex (small/68020):\n"
"(You have to rename the programs)"
(set #copy-tex-big-20-progs
(cat "Copy IniTeX/Virtex (big/68020):\n"
"(You have to rename the programs)"
(set #ask-texutil
(cat "Which TeX utilities do you want to install:"
(set #ask-texutil-help @askoptions-help
(set #ask-formats
(cat "Which TeX format files do you want to install:"
(set #ask-formats-help @askoptions-help
(set #ask-inputs
(cat "Which TeX macros do you want to install:\n"
"(help explains the macro packages)"
(set #ask-inputs-help
(cat "The following macro packages can be installed automatically:\n"
"generic/german - german.sty 2.5c for German (La)TeX users\n"
"generic/hyphen - hyphenation patterns for building format files\n"
"plain/base - the basic plain.tex macro file\n"
"plain/nice - NiceTeX macro package for plain TeX\n"
"plain/texinfo - macros for Texinfo documentation system\n"
"latex/base - the basic macros you need for LaTeX\n"
"latex/graphics - include graphics and colors in LaTeX\n"
"latex/babel - Babel language switching mechanism\n"
"latex/epic - extensions to LaTeX picture environment\n"
"latex/eepic - extensions to epic\n"
"There are more macro packages for LaTeX in source/latex "
"you can copy and install manually."
(set #ask-resolutions
(cat "Which TeX pk-fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-resolutions-help @askoptions-help
(set #ask-preview
(cat "What set of preview-fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-preview-help @askchoice-help
(set #ask-180
(cat "What set of 180x180dpi fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-180-help @askchoice-help
(set #ask-300
(cat "What set of 300x300dpi fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-300-help @askchoice-help
(set #ask-360
(cat "What set of 360x360dpi fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-360-help @askchoice-help
(set #ask-600
(cat "What set of 600x600dpi fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-600-help @askchoice-help
(set #ask-pkfax
(cat "What set of 204x196dpi fax-fonts do you want to install:"
(set #ask-pkfax-help @askchoice-help
(set #ask-callmf
(cat "How would you like to have the automatical font generation:"
(set #ask-callmf-help
(cat "The PasTeX DVI-drivers supports a possibility to automatical call Metafont for"
"missing fonts. The ENV: variable CALLMF decide how Metafont will be called.\n\n"
"If there is no ENV:CALLMF, no fontcreation will be done.\n\n"
"If CALLMF points to MF:rexx/MakeBatch.rexx, a script will be created with an"
"entry for each missing font. If you call the script, all fonts which are missed"
"will be created.\n\n"
"If CALLMF points to MF:rexx/MakeTeXFont.rexx, each missing font will be created"
"immediatly. But this can take some time."
(set #startup-prompt
(cat "I have to add some commands to your S:User-Startup."
(set #startup-help
(cat "I have to add some commands to your S:User-Startup.\n\n"
"PasTeX needs some assigns to work:\n"
"TeX: root directory of the TeX installation.\n"
"MF: root directory of Metafont.\n"
"PKVol-assignments to the pk-font directories of the\n"
"CD-ROM. Needed for font-caching\n\n"
"Two path components are added too:\n"
"TeX:bin for the normal TeX programs/utilities\n"
"MF:bin for the Metafont programs."
; copyfonts procedure
(procedure copyfonts
(makedir pkdestdir)
(set fntlst "(cmbx10|cmbx5|cmbx7|cmcsc10|cmex10|cmmi10|cmmi5|cmmi7|cmr10|cmr5|cmr7|cmsl10|cmss10|cmssbx10|cmssi10|cmsy10|cmsy5|cmsy7|cmti10|cmtt10)")
(if (= pkcopyopt 1)
( ; then
; small subset
(set fntpat (cat fntlst ".#?"))
( ; else
; all fonts (or no fonts at all!)
(set fntpat "#?")
(if (<> pkcopyopt 0)
( ; then
; there are fonts to copy
(foreach pksourcedir pkpat
(if (= @each-type 2)
( ; then directory
(copyfiles (source (tackon pksourcedir @each-name))
(dest (tackon pkdestdir @each-name))
(pattern fntpat))
(set sourcedir (pathonly @icon))
(set target (askdir (prompt #ask-installdir)
(help #ask-installdir-help)
(default "Work:")
(set @default-dest (tackon target "texmf"))
(set texbindir (tackon @default-dest "bin"))
(set formatdir (tackon @default-dest "formats"))
(set bigfmtdir (tackon @default-dest "formats.big"))
(set macdir (tackon @default-dest "tex"))
(set fontsdir (tackon @default-dest "fonts"))
(set pkdir (tackon fontsdir "pk"))
(set mfdir (tackon @default-dest "metafont"))
(set mfbindir (tackon mfdir "bin"))
(makedir @default-dest (infos))
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Welche Pakete sollen installiert werden?
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(if (>= @user-level 1)
(set instmask (askoptions (choices "PasTeX programs"
"TeX utilities"
"TeX format files"
"TeX macros"
"Metafont programs"
"Metafont font sources"
(prompt #ask-instmask)
(help #ask-instmask-help)
(default 31)
(set instmask 31)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Nun fuer alle zu installierenden Pakete diverse Fragen stellen
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;------PasTeX prg install----------
(if (IN instmask 0)
( (if (>= @user-level 1)
( (set texprgmask (askoptions (choices "initex/virtex"
"initex/virtex big-version"
"initex/virtex 020-version"
"initex/virtex big-020-version"
(prompt #ask-texprgmask)
(help #ask-texprgmask-help)
(default 1)
(set texprgmask 1)
(set installbigfmt 0)
(if (OR (IN texprgmask 1) (IN texprgmask 3))
( (set installbigfmt 1)
(message "You have choosen a big version of initex and virtex.\n\n"
"So I will install the big-format files, too!"
( (set texprgmask 0)
(set installbigfmt 0)
(if (IN instmask 1)
( ; then
(user 2)
(set texutilmask (askoptions (prompt #ask-texutil)
(help #ask-texutil-help)
(choices "bibtex"
"dvips (68040 version)"
"lacheck (LaTeX check)"
"fig / fig2dev / transfig"
"pbmtopk / pktopbm"
"makeinfo / texindex"
(default 0)
(user old_level)
( ; else
(set texutilmask 0)
;------TeX formats------------------
(if (IN instmask 2)
( ; then
(user 2)
(set formatmask (askoptions (prompt #ask-formats)
(help #ask-formats-help)
(choices "plain (plain, English)"
"gplain (plain, German)"
"latex (LaTeX2e, English+German)"
(default 7)
(if (IN formatmask 2)
(message "You have choosen the LaTeX format files.\n\n"
"In order to use these files, you also have to install the LaTeX macros!"
(user old_level)
( ; else
(set formatmask 0)
;------TeX macros------------------
(if (IN instmask 3)
( ; then
(user 2)
(set macdef 17)
(if (IN formatmask 2)
(set macdef 1009)
(set inputs (askoptions (prompt #ask-inputs)
(help #ask-inputs-help)
(choices "generic/german"
(default macdef)
(if (IN inputs 5)
(message "You have choosen the LaTeX macro files.\n\n"
"You can call LaTeX with:\n"
"virtex &latex\n\n\n"
"If you get problems with the TeX capacity, use virtex-big."
(user old_level)
( ; else
(set inputs 0)
(if (IN instmask 4)
(user 2)
(set resomask (askoptions (prompt #ask-resolutions)
(help #ask-resolutions-help)
(choices "preview"
"180x180 dpi (e.g. NEC P6 draft)"
"300x300 dpi (e.g. HP DeskJet)"
"360x360 dpi (e.g. NEC P6 high quality)"
"600x600 dpi (e.g. LaserJet 4)"
"204x196 dpi (FAX resolution)"
(default 1)
(user old_level)
; preview fonts
(if (IN resomask 0)
( ; then
(set pkprev (askchoice (prompt #ask-preview)
(help #ask-preview-help)
(choices "none (use font caching)"
"only a small subset (use font caching)"
"all fonts (of this CD)"
(default 0)
; 180x180
(if (IN resomask 1)
( ; then
(set pk180 (askchoice (prompt #ask-180)
(help #ask-180-help)
(choices "none (use font caching)"
"only a small subset (use font caching)"
"all fonts (of this CD)"
(default 0)
; 300x300
(if (IN resomask 2)
( ; then
(set pk300 (askchoice (prompt #ask-300)
(help #ask-300-help)
(choices "none (use font caching)"
"only a small subset (use font caching)"
"all fonts (of this CD)"
(default 0)
; 360x360
(if (IN resomask 3)
( ; then
(set pk360 (askchoice (prompt #ask-360)
(help #ask-360-help)
(choices "none (use font caching)"
"only a small subset (use font caching)"
"all fonts (of this CD)"
(default 0)
; 600x600
(if (IN resomask 4)
( ; then
(set pk600 (askchoice (prompt #ask-600)
(help #ask-600-help)
(choices "none (use font caching)"
"only a small subset (use font caching)"
"all fonts (of this CD)"
(default 0)
; 204x196
(if (IN resomask 5)
( ; then
(set pkfax (askchoice (prompt #ask-pkfax)
(help #ask-pkfax-help)
(choices "none (use font caching)"
"only a small subset (use font caching)"
"all fonts (of this CD)"
(default 0)
;------mf progs--------------------
(if (IN instmask 5)
( ; then
(set callmf (askchoice (prompt #ask-callmf)
(help #ask-callmf-help)
(choices "no automatical font creation"
"create a batchfile for font creation"
"create missing fonts immediately"
(default 2)
;------mf fnt source---------------
; hier gibt's nichts zu fragen
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Nun die Pakete wirklich installieren.
; Hier nun keine User-Aktionen!
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;------PasTeX prg install----------
(if (IN instmask 0)
(set texbindir (tackon @default-dest "bin"))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-pt-progs)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin"))
(choices "ShowDVI" "DVIprint" "flib" "SpecialHost" "PToFront" "lsfont")
(dest texbindir)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "bin.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(makedir (tackon texbindir "catalogs"))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-pt-ger-locale)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin/catalogs/deutsch"))
(dest (tackon texbindir "catalogs/deutsch"))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-pt-ita-locale)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin/catalogs/italiano"))
(dest (tackon texbindir "catalogs/italiano"))
(makedir fontsdir)
(makedir (tackon fontsdir "pk"))
(makedir (tackon fontsdir "vf"))
(makedir (tackon fontsdir "afm"))
(makedir (tackon fontsdir "type1"))
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-tfm)
(source (tackon (tackon sourcedir "fonts") "tfm"))
(dest (tackon fontsdir "tfm"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "fonts.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-rexx)
(source sourcedir)
(dest @default-dest)
(choices "rexx")
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-rexx-namestruc)
(source (tackon sourcedir "rexx"))
(dest "rexx:")
(choices "namestruc")
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-config)
(source sourcedir)
(dest @default-dest)
(choices "config")
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-ps)
(source sourcedir)
(dest @default-dest)
(choices "ps")
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-icons)
(source sourcedir)
(dest @default-dest)
(choices "icons")
(copylib (prompt #copy-req-lib)
(help #help-req-lib)
(source (tackon (tackon sourcedir "libs") "req.library"))
(dest "LIBS:")
(optional "nofail")
(if (<> texprgmask 0)
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-tex-pool)
(source (tackon sourcedir "pool"))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "pool"))
(choices "tex.pool")
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "pool.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(if (IN texprgmask 0)
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-tex-norm-progs)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin"))
(choices "initex" "virtex")
(dest texbindir)
(if (IN texprgmask 1)
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-tex-big-progs)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin"))
(choices "initex-big" "virtex-big")
(dest texbindir)
(if (IN texprgmask 2)
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-tex-20-progs)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin"))
(choices "initex-20" "virtex-20")
(dest texbindir)
(if (IN texprgmask 3)
(copyfiles (prompt #copy-tex-big-20-progs)
(source (tackon sourcedir "bin"))
(choices "initex-big-20" "virtex-big-20")
(dest texbindir)
(complete 4)
(set n 0)
(set texutilpat "(%")
(while (set texutil (select n "bibtex"
(if (IN texutilmask n)
(set texutilpat (cat texutilpat "|" texutil))
(set n (+ n 1))
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "bin"))
(dest texbindir)
(pattern (cat texutilpat ")")))
(if (OR (IN texutilmask 6) (IN texutilmask 7))
(copyfiles (source (tackon (tackon sourcedir "bin") "afm2tfm"))
(dest texbindir)
(copyfiles (source (tackon (tackon (tackon sourcedir "fonts") "tfm") "PStfms"))
(dest (tackon (tackon fontsdir "tfm") "PStfms"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon (tackon (tackon sourcedir "fonts") "vf") "PSvfs"))
(dest (tackon (tackon fontsdir "vf") "PSvfs"))
(complete 7)
;------TeX formats------------------
(if (<> formatmask 0)
( ; then
(set n 0)
(set formatpat "(%")
(while (set format (select n "plain.fmt|plain.log"
(if (IN formatmask n)
(set formatpat (cat formatpat "|" format))
(set n (+ n 1))
(set formatpat (cat formatpat ")"))
(if (= installbigfmt 1)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "formats.big"))
(dest bigfmtdir)
(pattern formatpat)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "formats.big.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "formats"))
(dest formatdir)
(pattern formatpat)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "formats.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(complete 10)
;------TeX macros------------------
(if (IN instmask 3)
(makedir macdir)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "tex.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(makedir (tackon macdir "generic"))
(makedir (tackon macdir "plain"))
(makedir (tackon macdir "latex"))
(set n 0)
(while (set macrodir (select n "generic/german"
(if (IN inputs n)
(copyfiles (source (tackon (tackon sourcedir "tex") macrodir))
(dest (tackon macdir macrodir))
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 30)
(if (IN instmask 4)
( ; then
(makedir fontsdir)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "fonts.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(makedir pkdir)
; preview fonts
(if (IN resomask 0)
( ; then
(set pkdestdir (tackon pkdir "amiga"))
(set pksourcedir (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/amiga"))
(set pkcopyopt pkprev)
(set pkpat "#[0-9]")
; 180 fonts
(if (IN resomask 1)
( ; then
(set pkdestdir (tackon pkdir "nec"))
(set pksourcedir (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/nec"))
(set pkcopyopt pk180)
(set pkpat "#[0-9]")
; 300 fonts
(if (IN resomask 2)
( ; then
(set pkdestdir (tackon pkdir "deskjet"))
(set pksourcedir (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/deskjet"))
(set pkcopyopt pk300)
(set pkpat "#[0-9]")
; 360 fonts
(if (IN resomask 3)
( ; then
(set pkdestdir (tackon pkdir "nechi"))
(set pksourcedir (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/nechi"))
(set pkcopyopt pk360)
(set pkpat "#[0-9]")
; 600 fonts
(if (IN resomask 4)
( ; then
(set pkdestdir (tackon pkdir "ljfour"))
(set pksourcedir (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/ljfour"))
(set pkcopyopt pk600)
(set pkpat "#[0-9]")
; 204x196 fonts
(if (IN resomask 5)
( ; then
(set pkdestdir (tackon pkdir "fax"))
(set pksourcedir (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/fax"))
(set pkcopyopt pkfax)
(set pkpat "#[0-9]")
(complete 80)
;------mf progs--------------------
(if (IN instmask 5)
( ; then
(makedir mfdir)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont"))
(dest mfdir)
(pattern "(ReadMe|bases|bin|doc|pool|config|rexx|ENV)")
(if (= callmf 1)
( ; then batch
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont/ENV"))
(dest "ENV:")
(choices "CALLMF-batch")
(newname "CALLMF")
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont/ENV"))
(dest "ENVARC:")
(choices "CALLMF-batch")
(newname "CALLMF")
(if (= callmf 2)
( ; then immediately
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont/ENV"))
(dest "ENV:")
(choices "CALLMF"))
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont/ENV"))
(dest "ENVARC:")
(choices "CALLMF"))
(complete 85)
;------mf fnt source---------------
(if (IN instmask 6)
( ; then
(makedir mfdir)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont.info"))
(dest @default-dest)
(copyfiles (source (tackon sourcedir "metafont"))
(dest mfdir)
(choices "inputs")
(complete 99)
(if (IN instmask 5)
(startup @app-name (prompt #startup-prompt)
(help #startup-help)
(command (cat "Assign TeX: \"" @default-dest "\"\n"))
(command (cat "Assign MF: \"" mfdir "\"\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-amiga: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/amiga") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-nec: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/nec") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-deskjet: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/deskjet") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-nechi: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/nechi") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-ljfour: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/ljfour") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-fax: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/fax") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command "Path TeX:bin MF:bin ADD")
(startup @app-name (prompt #startup-prompt)
(help #startup-help)
(command (cat "Assign TeX: \"" @default-dest "\"\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-amiga: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/amiga") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-nec: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/nec") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-deskjet: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/deskjet") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-nechi: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/nechi") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-ljfour: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/ljfour") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command (cat "Assign PKVol-fax: \"" (tackon sourcedir "fonts/pk/fax") "\" DEFER\n"))
(command "Path TeX:bin ADD")
(complete 100)